Bizkaia Talent


EURAXESS STUDY VISIT: Drawing an Ecosystem for attracting, retaining and connecting Talent through multi-agent cooperation: Bizkaia:talent approach – Urriaren 25, 26 eta 27

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25/10/2016 - 27/10/2016
12:00 am

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Atraemos, retenemos y vinculamos el Talento en el área de Bilbao-Bizkaia, País Vasco.

Be part of the largest highly professional Network connected to Bilbao - Bay of Biscay and the entire Basque Country


Soy un profesional Soy una organización
Nuestros socios Nuestros socios BBK BEAZ CICBioGune Universidad de Deusto Tecnalia Idom ITP Sener EHU Iberdrola Mondragon Corporation