Bizkaia Talent’s Participation in EURAXESS T.O.P. II

Bizkaia:talent, EURAXESS centre, has taken part as a speaker in the Training Workshop: Commercial Engagement: Increasing EURAXESS’ Profile with private companies, Why matters and How to do it in order to show the European network its experience in approaching Industry in the Basque Country, as well as its role as a key facilitator in the Basque Science, Technology & Business System. The aim of the workshop was to provide participants with the required skills to enable them to increase the private sector’s use of EURAXESS portals and services in their respective countries. This matters because of a dual focus: – on the one hand, this supports EURAXESS & increases its relevance; – on the other hand, it supports EC goals and targets. Moreover, Horizon2020 is also Industry-focused (special focus on SMEs = key employment driver), as well as putting emphasis on Applied Research vs. Basic Research. This Training workshop is within EURAXESS T.O.P. II, and was hold in Barcelona last 17th & 18th June 2014.