Bizkaia reinforces its position in the international scientific map thanks to the ERA CAREER DAY Bilbao

The historical territory of Bizkaia keeps encouraging any actions which support and promote high quality research and international recognition. This was evinced by the ERA CAREER DAY Bilbao held on 18, 19 and 20 September. The event was organized by Bizkaia Talent together with the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).
The event is part of the Euraxess – Euescada project aimed at offering as much information as possible to those university students who are finishing their degrees and researchers from the Spanish state who are considering their professional options.
The Economic and Territorial Development Councillor of Bizkaia, Imanol Pradales, was in charge of opening the meeting and pointed out that “it is a very important event, not only to highlight the importance of science in our society, but also because the event can be a good travelling companion for young people to set their professional careers in motion.”
Thus, during the three days it lasted, attendees received information about various national and European funding opportunities, professional alternatives to the academia, geographical mobility options within the research career, research staff’s abilities and skills and how to improve them, etc.
According to the rector of the University of the Basque Country, Nekane Balluerka, “the meeting intends to take research beyond the academia, that is, to fully integrate it into society”. Thus, during the opening ceremony, she said that “researchers are not people who can only work in the academia but they must be the driving force of society, of any advanced society. That is the reason why researchers must work in different institutions.”
In addition to the scheduled sessions, attendees had the opportunity to visit and meet representatives of various Basque organizations and companies interested in scientific professional profiles like those of the participants in the ERA Career Day.
For the managing director of Bizkaia Talent, Ivan Jimenez, “this event encourages us to continue working in the same direction and, of course, not only with researchers, but also with highly-qualified professionals, so as to support them as much as possible”.