Bizkaia:talent presents the second edition of the Competencies for Professionalism Programme at Basque Universities

On 22, 23 and 24 September, bizkaia:talent presented the second edition of the innovative and pioneering Competencies for Professionalism Programme, in which 180 students will take part, at the University of Deusto, the University of the Basque Country and Mondragon University.
This Programme is led by bizkaia:talent and supported by Bilbao Metropoli-30 as well as the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of the Basque Country, the Deusto Business School of the University of Deusto, the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon University and three professional associations: Basque Association of Economists, Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of the Basque Country and Association of Civil Engineers of the Basque Country.
The aim of the programme is to lay the foundations for a people-based professionalism movement to take shape, propose strategies, develop them and monitor the results with a view to fulfilling the targets established to promote and develop the value of professionalism in the Basque Country, while enabling our companies to be more productive, innovative and competitive.
It is a matter of ensuring the alignment of personal and professional goals and of these goals being in keeping with the structure and context of the labour market. Professionalism is to be understood as a whole, considering not only the qualities of knowledge but also the attitudes and values of people.
University students are offered personalized accompaniment to develop the key skills the labour market is currently demanding and consideration will be given to the importance of values, attitudes and skills, which are now being put ahead of technical knowledge itself.
60 students will be selected at each of the universities which take part in the programme. Thus, a total of 180 students will participate in the second edition of the Competencies for Professionalism Programme in Bizkaia, 120 students more than in the previous edition.
The selection criteria for this programme, that is, the factors to be evaluated, are: motivation letter, curriculum vitae, personal interview and skills profile.
This initiative aims at professional accompaniment for the development of talent in our country.