Deusto Consulting Club wins the 2nd edition of the University Student Associationism Contest

Deusto Business School will have another association this year, Deusto Consulting Club, the winner of the second contest of Initiatives to Establish Associations organized by Deusto Business School, Bizkaia Talent and Alumni La Comercial involving a cash prize of 4,000 Euros. The new association will be under the supervision of Alumni La Comercial, together with Connectia and Lagunarte, last year’s winners, and Liburumerke. Deusto Consulting Club will be involved in training, skill development and business game competitions in the field of consultancy.
The contest was participated by more than 50 students from different years and from the three degrees offered by the school (BMA + Management Development Programme, BMA + Industrial Technology Engineering and BMA + LAW), divided in 5 groups, who submitted their proposals to create associations related to Management and Economy, Cooperation and Education.
During the prize award ceremony held last Wednesday, 18 February, Asier Añibarro, Communications Director of Deusto Business Alumni thanked the participants for their involvement and commitment and for the high quality of the projects which were submitted to this second edition. He also informed them about the place they will be using within the university premises to hold their meetings, which is exclusively reserved for associations. Añibarro talked about the collaboration charter that the winning association and Alumni La Comercial have to sign, which is, in his words, “a code of good conduct and understanding” which represents a commitment to inform about the steps being taken so that the good operation of the new Association can be supervised.
Then, Ivan Jimenez, managing director of bizkaia:talent, took the floor and explained the origin of this initiative which arose from a proposal by Marta Pinedo (Class of 2002), a former student of Deusto Business School. Jimenez said that when young people try hard, they can get whatever they want and through associations they achieve intergenerational coexistence and a generational shift. Finally, he offered his assistance from Bizkaia Talent to promote associationism and talked about the latest activities they have carried out, such as for example the international platform Be Basque Talent Network, which is the largest talent network in the world made up of professionals who have or want to have a link with the Basque Country. He then invited all the attendants to join.
Iñigo Calvo, professor at Deusto Business School, before opening the envelope with the name of the winning group, expressed his appreciation for the proposals, the time devoted and the good ideas they have provided. He also took the opportunity to encourage the groups which did not win to get involved in the existing associations and take advantage of the synergies which may derive.
The envelope with the name of the winning association was opened and the prize was received by the vice-president, Aitor Alvarez (3rd BMA+ITE), together with some of the members of the club. He expressed their gratitude for the award and offered their collaboration to the rest of the associations.
Alumni La Comercial wants to congratulate all the members of the new association Deusto Consulting Club, who are Xabier Berasategui, president, Aitor Alvarez, vice-president, Gorka Atutxa, president, David Chou, treasurer, Irantzu Chapartegui, competitions director, Gabriel de Muguerza, seminars director, Ignacio Lacasta, communications director, Aitzol Nubla, deputy director, Borja Mardaras, deputy director.
> Listen to the audio of the prize award…
(Ivan Jimenez, managing director bizkaia:talent MIN 3:25 – 8:30)