Bizkaia Talent promotes sectorial encounters to link up university talent with leading sectors in the Basque Country

- Over 200 students from Bizkaia and abroad have taken part in these meetings together with 3 clusters and 13 organizations
In recent weeks Bizkaia Talent has carried out a series of sectorial meetings with the aim of bringing together university talent from the Basque universities (Deusto University, Mondragon University and UPV/EHU – Basque Country University) and the IED Kunsthal School and cutting-edge companies in the province.
The purpose of these encounters is to foster university employment and the meetings are directed at students of Talentia Skills, an excellence programme aimed at the university students with the greatest potential in Bizkaia, and at participants of the Be Basque Ambassadors programme, whose purpose is to retain postgraduate and PhD students by means of social and labour-related integration.
Six sectorial meeting events have taken place in all (entrepreneurship, energy, finance, health, research and IT), at which the participants gained a more in-depth understanding of some of the most important sectors in the Basque company ecosystem, as well as the skills which are most in demand by companies in the new generations.
3 clusters and 13 organizations
The sectors which have been represented at the meetings to date have been the following: entrepreneurship (Beaz Bizkaia, Drone by Drone, Vrainhax), energy (Basque Energy Cluster, Petronor), finance (Fineco, All Iron), health (Basque Health Cluster, Gogoa Mobility, Innitius), research (UPV/EHU, Ikerbasque) and IT (GAIA Cluster, Seidor, Tellmewow, Ferchau).