Bizkaia talent will participate for the sixth consecutive year in the MIT Boston European Career Fair in February

Bizkaia:talent wil participate on 6, 7 and 8 February in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT European Career Fair which is annually held in Boston. A gathering of more than 5,000 highly qualified candidates (European, North American and from the rest of the world) and 132 European companies and organizations which need to hire staff in the private and scientific field. Bizkaia:talent is attending this international event with the aim of locating and engaging highly qualified professionals and researchers in strategic areas for Bizkaia-Basque Country, so as to consider their being hired or establishing collaborations between these professionals and the companies (or organizations) even without it being necessary to hire them, so as to develop product and/or service research and development lines, with special emphasis on Basque professionals who are now living in the USA.
Bizkaia:talent is the only Basque institution in this prestigious Fair and has participated in six editions so far (2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015) representing a total of 33 Basque organizations (Arteche; Baltogar; CAF; Iberdrola; Idom; Ingeteam; Histocell, Sener; ZIV; BCAM; BC3; University of Deusto; CIC bioMAGUNE, CIC energiGUNE, CIC nanoGUNE, CIE Automotive, Deustotech; Edai-Inauxa; OWL Genomics; Tecnalia; Genetadi; Ikerlan; Deustotech; Itp; Gaia ClusterTeic; Panda Security, S.L.; Azti-Tecnalia; Ideko-IK; IK4-Ikerlan; Gestamp; BC Materials; Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia; Achucarro Basque Center For Neuroscience), with the aim of engaging and attracting high level professionals in the scientific, technological and business spheres.
This Fair offers professional alternatives to those who wish to work in Europe, with organizations which require highly-specialized profiles and which can offer career opportunities in Europe.
Most of the candidates come from the top universities in the USA, such as the MIT, Harvard and the Ivy League (which comprises the universities of Columbia, Princeton, Cornell and Yale, amongst others).
The European Career Fair is the greatest event of this type which has been taking place in the USA since 1995. The ECF is not just an opportunity to attract European citizens who are currently carrying out their activity in the USA, but also to present non-European candidates from the most diverse areas.
If you would like bizkaia:talent to represent your organization at this international event, please contact:
Amaia Etxebeste
Ander Markina