Bizkaia:talent updates its EXTRANET with a renewed design and new functionalities

Bizkaia:talent keeps developing its tools and resources to offer a better service and to this end it has just updated its extranet with new design and functionalities.
The extranet is the control panel which users access after registering in the database through or On this screen users can easily modify their personal details, access the Be Basque Talent Map (the international Basque talent map) and check and apply for the various job offers.
As a new feature, this version includes a section for each service which can be accessed by all users to get informed about objectives and procedures. Thus, all users will be able to obtain details about Aid Programmes and the Relocation and Be Basque Dual Career Centre services as well as the International Networking workshops.
In the case of the Talentia Programme or the Competencies Programme, participants will have access to the Moodle platform specially devised and developed to respond to academic needs.
It is important to point out that when users access the extranet they will find a dynamic sidebar with news and all the updated data of the platform as well as personalized notifications according to the services or programmes in which they are participating or the job offers they have applied for.
This new design has also reinforced the presence of the Forum, a space intended to create a link and build a relationship between all the professionals who form part of the database of bizkaia:talent around various issues of professional, social or cultural interest.