Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia Talent presents the Kids & Skills platform


  • Created for sixth year primary schoolchildren, Kids & Skills is a digital platform for the scientific analysis of transversal skills, unique and open to use by any school in the world

On the 7th and 8th May the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao hosted the fourth edition of the Euskadi Teaching Cooperatives’ Congress under the slogan “Anticipating the Future”. The event was a showcase for the analysis of the keys to the future of education and for the latest trends in educational innovation.

Accompanied by important experts in different areas, Mr Ivan Jimenez, Managing Director of Bizkaia Talent, made a presentation about the paradigm shifts involved in skills and talent development before over 150 event participants.

Mr Jimenez also took advantage of the occasion to present the new platform “Kids & Skills” developed by Bizkaia Talent in collaboration with Lauaxeta Ikastola, a benchmark in terms of pedagogical innovation. The aim of the platform is to identify transversal skills and measure them in a personalised manner for each individual pupil, in order to be able to display comparatively a wide range of professions as a key element for boosting competitiveness in schools.

The initiative, which is directed at both schools and parents, and focuses on eleven-year-old sixth year primary schoolchildren, is a digital platform which, by means of a videogame format, analyses the transversal skills which are required for all types of professional activity. The pupil, after completing a series of challenges, receives results which indicate his or her current position with respect to the skills required for each professional activity, together with areas for improvement.

Mr Ivan Jimenez expressed his satisfaction with the launching of the new platform, and he stressed that “the creation of this innovative technological tool will enable parents, teachers and the pupils themselves to have a clearer idea about the direction to take in terms of their future careers”.

The Basque Country in the vanguard of educational excellence
According to the report “Educational policies in Spain: 2019 Educational Excellence Ranking” presented by the entity Professionals for Ethical Values, the Basque Country education system has proven to be the most solvent in the State after a comparative analysis of some 58 indicators. Educational life expectancy at the age of six, gross rate of secondary education completion (sixth form school-leavers), numbers of youngsters passing the “Selectividad” examinations (the equivalent of “A” levels), low rate of early school-leaving, public expenditure per pupil, computer resources and foreign languages are just some of the key indicators which put the Basque Country at the top of the teaching excellence ranking.

Kids & Skills
Kids & Skills is open to use by any school in the world, and is available in English, Basque and Spanish, either as the tool’s vehicle language or for the carrying out each of the challenges.

It is worth pointing out that schools in Bizkaia, Alava-Araba, Gipuzkoa, Navarra, Lapurdi, Behe Nafarroa and Zuberoa will be entitled to reduced tariffs.

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