The third edition of the innovative programme Competencies for Professionalism in Bizkaia gets underway

Internationalization sessions, time management workshops, emotional intelligence, social action, team work, effective communication, lectures, information about professional opportunities and coaching sessions are placed at the disposal of the 270 students from the three Basque Universities who are participating in the third edition of the programme Competencies for Professionalism in Bizkaia: 105 students from the University of the Basque Country, 90 from the University of Deusto and 75 from the University of Mondragon.
This Programme is led by the Association bizkaia talent and supported by organizations such as Bilbao Metropoli-30 as well as the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of the Basque Country, the Faculty of Law of the University of Deusto and of the University of the Basque Country, Deusto Business School of the University of Deusto, the School of Engineering of the University of the Basque Country, the School of Engineering of the University of Deusto (ESIDE), the Polytechnic School of the University of Mondragon, the Faculty of Business Studies of the University of Mondragon, the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies of the University of the Basque Country and five professional associations: Basque Association of Economists; Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of the Basque Country; Association of Civil Engineers of the Basque Country; Bar Association and Association of Industrial Engineers.
The main aim of the programme is to lay the foundations for a people-based professionalism movement to take shape, propose strategies, develop them and monitor the results so as to achieve the targets set in order to promote and to work on the value of professionalism in the Basque Country and allow our companies to be more productive, innovative and competitive. Moreover, this initiative also aims to provide professional support for talent development in our country.
University students are offered personalized support to develop the key skills that the labour market is demanding at present, and consideration will be given to values, attitudes and skills, which are nowadays being valued over technical knowledge itself. The factors to be assessed in order to participate in this programme include a motivation letter, the curriculum vitae, a personal interview and a skills profile.
Furthermore, in this edition there will be an introduction to the Technological Skills which the labour market is demanding with increasing interest and insistence. Acquiring knowledge in the field of Big Data, Intelligence and Smart Industry 4.0 will be possible thanks to two workshops: the first aimed at people in their first and second year and the second at people in their third and fourth year (fourth and fifth in the case of the University of Deusto) to adapt it to their professional field in the business and professional ecosystem.
Furthermore, participants in their first year will take a BELBIN self-perception test so as to be able to assess, with greater objectivity and accuracy, their evolution throughout the Programme.