The European Commission places the Basque Country amongst the high innovation regions

- The 2021 Regional Innovation Scoreboard positions the Basque Country in the “strong innovator” group of European regions with its innovation performance having grown by 14.7% since 2014.
- At the Spanish State level, it is the strongest autonomous community in terms of innovation.
The 2021 Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS), a report which evaluates innovation performance in different regions of Europe, considers the Basque Country to be a reference of excellence as a high innovation region within a territory (the Spanish State) with moderate levels of innovation.
At the state level, the Basque Country, with 119.0 points, has the highest innovation index and thus lies in first place ahead of Madrid Autonomous Community (116.0), Catalunya Autonomous Community (113.6), and Navarre Autonomous Community (112.6).
The 2021 RIS provides a comparative assessment of the performance of the innovation systems in 240 regions of 22 countries in the European Union, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg and Malta are included at the state level. These are some of the 21 indicators used:
- Persons with general digital skills superior to a basic level.
- Expenditure on innovation per employee.
- ICT specialists contracted.
- Industrial emissions into the atmosphere.
See the report: 2021 Regional Innovation Scoreboard