The Basque Country hosts the 21st edition of the European Week of Advanced Management at the end of the month

The Basque Country will hold again the European Week of Advanced Management, which is being held for the 21st time this year. The event, coordinated by Euskalit with the collaboration of the SPRI Group (the Basque business development agency under the Department of Economic Promotion and Competitiveness), will take place between 26 October and 6 November.
This year for the first time a Conference will be held in the Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall of Bilbao between 26 and 30 October. Each day of that week will deal with one of the elements of advanced management: strategy, clients, people, innovation and society. Organizations such as the University of the Basque Country, Asle, the Polytechnic School of Mondragon, Aenor, Lantegi Batuak, Mutalia, Emakunde, the Basque Professional Association of Economists, Gorabide or the Bishopric of Bilbao will be among the participants.
Moreover, from 2 to 6 November there will be activities in Vitoria, San Sebastian and Bilbao, as well as other Basque towns such as Durango and Galdakao, where various issues related to health, industry, education or equality will be discussed.
Last year there were 48 events organized by 65 entities and attended by 3,300 people. The slogan for the Week this year is “Advanced Management to achieve advanced organizations“.