Bizkaia Talent and Unesco Etxea join ranks with the signing of an agreement of adhesion and dissemination of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

- The Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda have been approved by the Member States of the United Nations Organization.
Bizkaia Talent and UNESCO Etxea have signed a collaborative agreement of adhesion and dissemination of the Sustainable Development Goals. Ivan Jimenez, Managing Director of Bizkaia Talent and Arantza Acha, Manager of UNESCO Etxea signed the agreement between the two organizations on the 6th July in the offices of Bizkaia Talent.
The aim of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is to put an end to poverty, protect the planet and guarantee peace and prosperity to all of the world’s inhabitants, and implies a spirit of collaboration and pragmatism with a view to improving the lives of forthcoming generations by generating greater social equality, sustainability and justice.
Bizkaia Talent makes a commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals to adopt all actions necessary to promote their dissemination, comprehension and implantation, both in terms of its activities and services and in terms of organizations and the general public collaborating with the target aims. “With the signing of this agreement we reaffirm our commitment to matters of such importance as that of quality of employment, which is one of the bases for the creation of a prosperous and inclusive society”, Ivan Jimenez emphasised.
For her part, Arantza Acha pointed out that “it is important that organizations such as Bizkaia Talent which are in touch with professionals from all over the world and with all different kinds of Basque organizations join in with the promotion of this initiative which is a responsibility that is shared by our entire society”.