Bizkaia talent holds a meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals who work in or around Zurich

Establishing links and connecting with Basque talent, no matter where it is, is one of the main objectives of bizkaia talent. For this reason, on 25 April, they organized a new Be Basque Talent Meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of Zurich, which was attended by around thirty people.
They are all Basque professionals currently developing their professional career in organizations such as Ficosa International, Deloitte, Morgan Stanley, Leica Geosystems AG, Stadler Bussnang AG, Heineken, MRC-Center for Virus Research, Alstom Power, Fraunhofer Institut, General Electric (Switzerland) GmbH or Siemens Schweiz AG amongst others.
At this meeting, the managing director of bizkaia talent, Ivan Jimenez, explained the employment opportunities and the professional profiles most in demand in the next few years in the Basque Country, with particular emphasis on the data and information provided by the various Basque cluster associations.
“These networking meetings intend to foster and promote networks among the Basque men and women who are developing their professional career abroad for them to keep a proactive and constant link with the Basque Country thus reinforcing the Be Basque Talent Network”, Ivan Jimenez underlined. It is the largest network of professionals who want to have a link with the Basque Country and “it is currently made up of around 8,500 professionals from more than 85 countries, and more than 250 Basque organizations and companies”, the Managing Director of bizkaia talent concluded.