The international community immerses itself in medieval Bilbao for a day

- A group of thirty postgraduates and highly qualified professionals, all from abroad, have taken part in an activity which enabled them to travel back in time to Bilbao of the Middle Ages.
With the aim of fostering interpersonal and professional relationships, and thus contributing towards greater social integration, Bizkaia Talent has carried out a new sociocultural activity attended by users of the Relocation and Be Basque Dual Career Centre service and postgraduates from the Be Basque Ambassadors programme.
On this occasion, the activity was based on the game known as Emissary, a team game which immerses the players in a medieval Bilbao enclosed by town walls which protected the city’s legendary Seven Streets. It is an exciting gymkhana which is played out in the open air and in which the participants discover how society and medieval towns worked in a practical and fun way.
Postgraduates and professionals from as many as 14 different countries took part in the event. These are: Germany, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the USA, Hungary, India, Iran, Mexico, Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Tunisia, Venezuela and the Spanish State. The participants are either studying or working at institutions or companies such as: BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Biofisika – Basque Centre for Biophysics, AZTI Foundation, CIC bioGUNE, Ikerbasque, Ikor, Tecnalia, UPV/EHU, Deusto University and Zabala Innovation Consulting.
Next activity
If the health restrictions so permit, the next activity will be an end-of-year party which will take place on the forthcoming 17th December in Bilbao.