Bizkaia Talent reinforces the Be Basque Talent Network in Boston thanks to a new meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals

In the evening of Friday, February 23h, and on the participation in the European Career Fair 2018 for the nineth year in a row, Bizkaia Talent organized a new edition of the international Be Basque Talent Meetings with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of Boston.
The event was attended by thirty people with diverse academic profiles: most of them had an Engineering and biosciences profil. During the meeting, the managing director of Bizkaia Talent, Ivan Jimenez, explained the employment opportunities and the professional profiles most in demand for the next years in the Basque Country, according to the data and information provided by the different Basque cluster associations.
Reinforcing the networks
“With these meetings we intend to foster and promote the networks between the Basque men and women who are developing their professional career abroad and want to maintain a proactive and constant link with the Basque Country, thus reinforcing the Be Basque Talent Network”, Jimenez explained. It is the largest network of professionals who are connected or want to have a link with the Basque Country and at present it comprises more than 9,900 professionals from more than 90 countries as well as more than 350 Basque organizations and companies. Some other Be Basque Talent Meetings will be held this year in strategic points for talent attraction.