The University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, provides 5 million to hire professionals who wish to prepare their doctoral theses

The UPV/EHU, as “the main research centre in the Basque Country”, is responsible for the research training of graduate staff and to that end they promote the production of doctoral theses by launching the annual call for applications for financial aid aimed at research staff training.
The call is aimed at those who are interested in obtaining a doctoral degree. To that end, they must have been awarded a degree which provides access to a doctoral programme after 1 January 2014. The contracts will last 4 years and will be full-time.
There are three aid modes: one of them is for hiring 50 researchers to write a thesis in any scientific area; another one is to hire seven predoctoral researchers to write a doctoral thesis in Basque language, and the last one is to hire five researchers to be co-mentored by the University of the Basque Country and the universities in the IDEX Bordeaux. At least 3 of all these contracts will be reserved for people who prove a disability of at least 33%.
A contribution of 4.4 million Euros has been planned for the first and last modes from the funds allocated within the agreement-programme entered into with the Basque Government, whereas the second mode will receive 566,000 Euros under the aforesaid agreement-programme.
The deadline for applications is 16 June and the terms and conditions can be checked in the research management section of the website of the University of the Basque Country: