Bizkaia Talent


Athletic Club de Bilbao: a Symbol of identity & Union

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5:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Kategoriak No Categorías

Discover the city through the history of its football (soccer) team, showing its importance in our way of being, traditions and customs.

The proud of all the Bilbanians and Biscayan people love and adore our Football Team “Athletic Club de Bilbao”. Its history is more than a legend, with a unique philosophy, which makes their supporters be different from the rest, considering themselves a big red and white family.

This bike tour will lead you to the new Cathedral of Football. This new stadium will be one of the host ones of the European Championship in 2020.

San Mamés is the Saint who whispered to the lions; Pichichi, the king of goals, as well as our beloved ‘gabarra’ (boat), which can be now visited at the Maritime Museum. We will accompany you on a tour that will lead you to the origins in the 19th Century, and where our current team’s victories are celebrated.

Thanks to our local guides, you will submerge yourselves into the red and white universe, full of anecdotes and curious stories, which makes this bike tour perfect for both football supporters who come to visit us as well as local ‘athleticzales’ who would like to spend their time in a different way. Almost the entire tour is on bicycle paths and accordingly designated areas, which makes it a perfect plan for a group of friends, like US!!!!!

Date: Friday, 10th October.
Meeting Place: Villarías 1 – Bilbao
Time: 17:30h
Price: 10 € per person (children free).
Bank account number: 2095 / 0551 / 66 / 3830779588 IBAN: ES20 (DO NOT FORGET PUTTING YOUR NAME, and send us a scanned copy to: y a )

Deadline for inscriptions: Wednesday, 8 th October before 14.00h

*Those coming with children be aware that there is only a few carry chairs to rent, and that we need to know the weight of them.

The price and the plan includes:

  • 17:30: We will start from TOURNÉ BILBAO, which is at 1, Villarías – Bilbao
  • 20:30: End of the cycling ride
  • 21:00: PEÑA ATHLETIC Restaurant (Calle Pelota – Old Part of Bilbao) to talk to supporters and delight their typical Pintxo “La cathedral” and a drink.

Talentua erakarri, eutsi eta lotzen dugu Bilbo-Bizkaiko eremuan, Euskadin

Be part of the largest highly professional Network connected to Bilbao - Bay of Biscay and the entire Basque Country


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