Bizkaia Talent


“LOIZAGA TOWER (13th c.) & POBAL FOUNDRY (16th c.): 2 treasures of our History”

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9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Meeting Place: Plaza Moyua (next to H&M) Bilbao at 09:00h

Kategoriak No Categorías

Place: Muskiz – Galdames (Enkarterri)

The area of Encartaciones boasts a rich heritage of architectural and natural landmarks. Two examples of it are the Loizaga Tower with its antique and classic car collection (Galdames), and the Pobal Foundry (Muskiz).

On the one hand, the middle Ages were indeed turbulent times, dominated by vicious side wars that ravaged the region. The most powerful noble feuding families confronted each other with extreme violence because of wealth and power. Owing to this, they built defensive tower-houses in strategic places; an example of this is the Loizaga Tower, a 13th century defensive tower. Currently, it hosts a magnificent private collection of vintage luxurious cars. The Rolls-Royces are the Crown jewel of the museum apart from others.

On the other hand, the exceptional quality of the iron mining, found in its mountains, helped the development of a great removing mining industry. An example of it is the Pobal Foundry, a craft ironwork where the iron used to be smelted and turned into a vast number of objects. The visit offers us a vivid exhibition bursting with artefacts from the ironworks.

Finally, we will enjoy a lovely lunch with Basque products in Galdames. These are just a few examples of the many reasons to visit the place. We encourage you to join this activity and have a good time.


  • 09:15 Exit to Muskiz from Plaza Moyua – Bilbao
  • 10.00 Visit to the Pobal Ironworks (Muskiz)
  • 11:45 Visit to the Loizaga Tower (Antique and Classic Car Museum)
  • 14:00 Lunch at Azkona restaurant (Galdames)
  • 16.45 End of Activity
  • 17:15 Arrival in Bilbao

ACTIVITY VOUCHER: includes coach, visits and lunch

COST OF THE ACTIVITY: 15€ each adult. Children free

REGISTRATION: Please, Confirmation & Booking before Thursday 6th November 2014.

PAYMENT: Bank transfer BBK – Concept LOIZAGA & your name

Further information: // Tel. 94 4795428

Talentua erakarri, eutsi eta lotzen dugu Bilbo-Bizkaiko eremuan, Euskadin

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