Bizkaia Talent

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GABONETAKO AFARIA 2014_12_12 (48)

Bizkaia Talent and the Bilbao BBK Talent organised a social event with the aim of joining and meeting the international scientific community. It was hold in the OCULO of the Bilbao BBK TALENT in Sarriko, Bilbao. The event started at six pm and gathered almost fifty researchers, professionals and their families from Italy, Poland, Japan, Extremadura, United Kingdom, Rumania, Serbia, Egypt, Mexico, Germany, Iran, India and Austria among others.


GABONETAKO AFARIA 2014_12_12 (32)

GABONETAKO AFARIA 2014_12_12 (35)

GABONETAKO AFARIA 2014_12_12 (37)

GABONETAKO AFARIA 2014_12_12 (38)

Talentua erakarri, eutsi eta lotzen dugu Bilbo-Bizkaiko eremuan, Euskadin

Be part of the largest highly professional Network connected to Bilbao - Bay of Biscay and the entire Basque Country


Profesional bat naiz Organizazio bat naiz
Gure laguntzaileak Gure laguntzaileak BBK BEAZ CICBioGune Universidad de Deusto Tecnalia Idom ITP Sener EHU Iberdrola Mondragon Corporation